Peanut Chicken in Slow Cooker

A nice slow cooker recipe here with no pre-prep - just stick it all in the pot and turn on High for 8 Low.


  • 500g (17.5 oz) chicken thigh, cubed
  • 2 tsp peanut oil
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 1 red bell pepper, thick slices
  • 1 tsp garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp ginger, crushed
  • 1 tsp red chili flakes
  • 2 tsp brown sugar
  • 1 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 6 Tbsp peanut butter (I used crunchy)
  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • ½ cup chicken stock
The adaptations I made:

-  I used 1kg chicken so I doubled all the ingredients
-  Didn't use any oil at all
- I also added one fresh green chill
-  I included some veg towards the end of cooking
-  Added a squeeze of one small lemon
-  Garnished with chopped spring onions

Next time I would:
- Use less peanut butter (it tasted a bit too 'claggy' for my liking), that's why I added the lemon to 'brighten' the taste; can always add a bit more peanut butter later?
- Reduce the liquid additions; too much sauce-to-meat ratio and the sauce could have been thicker.

Also, the recipe said 8 hours on Low but because I didn't have that time I used a combination of High and Low:
1.45: on High for 1 hour
2.45: turned to Low
6.00: added sliced peppers and frozen greens beans (rinsed quickly under hot tap)
6.45: Ready

The family said they loved it. However, even on Low, I feel it was a bit over-cooked (chicken beginning to shred when stirred) so I would revise the cooking time next time as follows:

5.30: add veg
6.00: Ready

I served it with brown rice (much better for you, but hmmm...). There was enough left-over to cut up and put in a wrap for daughter's school lunch the day.
