Coconut Fish Curry

After another trip to Lewisham market, our huge fruit and veg haul included 5 fresh coffee coconuts - what to do with them?

I’d made up my own recipe for some frozen bassa fish I had but it turned out to be quite similar to this one by Joe Wicks which looks lovely:

Differences were:
1. I used bassa frozen fillet fish instead
2. I didn’t blend down the early ingredients, just chopped them finely and sauted them
3. I also added coriander spice, fresh coriander, more chili and also some fresh grated coconut.  And my garam masala was homemade by my mum!

It turned out beautifully, served with some jazzed up left-over rice and salad, with Coconut and Mascarpone Cake to follow. Yum.
